What Helped 94% Of Ambitious Women Progress Their Careers In 2022?

How might your workforce and profitability be different if your female talent were in a strong position to speak up, take action, and drive forward their careers?

Would your staff retention rate increase? Would your clients or customers give rave reviews and send more business your way? Would the organisation become a much sought-after employer by ambitious, talented women who could bring a plethora of skills and resources that boost profitability?

Thirty-three per cent of our 500+ delegates at Elevate Talent have enjoyed a promotion this year whether that be a step up the career wall, a sideways move to broaden their skill set, or a new project opportunity.

Women deserve at least three things in their career

We want our female delegates to feel respected in their careers, to be recognised for the wealth of talent that they provide, and to be remunerated in line with their skill sets and deliverables (they know that just putting in the hours is not enough). 

All three of these ‘Rs’ (Respect, Recognition and Remuneration) are important for any team member to feel fulfilled, and it encourages your female talent to remain loyal to your organisation (saving you time, money and energy on recruitment).

The secret to our success

One of the reasons our programmes are so successful is that we constantly poll our delegates to find out where they need to dive deeper into knowledge and practical application. Knowledge is potential power; it’s not enough to know the strategy or tactics if they’re not being applied. The material we deliver is on point, practical, and our delegates confirm it’s impactful.

We operate like detectives at Elevate Talent; we dig down into the problems and challenges that our delegates are experiencing, establish what needs to happen for them to overcome them, and we present the information in such a way that it’s easy for them to implement and achieve results.

Many of our companies use a self-selection process which means that their team members see the value and choose to be with Elevate Talent, which reinforces their commitment to success.

Our results are also partly attributable to the fact that our training is easy to fit in (it’s an hour per month; you might like to check out our earlier blog The 7 Benefits Of Live Online Training).We know that by applying what we teach, our delegates will gain traction in their careers.

Our most recent survey results speak volumes:

How to get the best results from our programmes

The women who get the best results from our programmes typically possess three key traits:

 -1- An open mind.

They enter our virtual training with an open mind, trusting that, even if they already have substantial knowledge about career progression, they will progress more rapidly and sustainably if they increase their awareness and implement the strategies we teach. 

One of our delegates told us:

“The programme is really growing on me. To be honest, in the beginning I thought there was nothing that I didn’t already know in the sessions. But as time has passed, I’ve come to realise that even though I might have theoretically known these things, I hadn’t understood the importance of actually working on them. Thank you for a great programme.”

 -2- A readiness to take action.

They are committed to taking consistent, relevant action to progress their careers.

 -3- They provide quality feedback.

Our delegates regularly provide us with quality feedback so that we continue to meet their needs and develop even more inspirational and impactful programmes for the women in the next cohort.

The benefits of accelerated career progression

What might change in your organisation if your female talent could move up a level or across to a new level? 

We’re delighted to know that we’ve helped our delegates create such great results this year (well done to each and every one of you!), and we’re very much looking forward to starting our new cohort in 2023 (there is space in our May cohort, if this training appeals to you – email us). If you recognise the benefits of the training programmes that we offer to your female employees and to your organisation, why not get in touch? This time next year you could be celebrating a whole new level of success!

P.S. Come and join the conversation on LinkedIn