Topics & Dates

2024 - 2025

Here is the Elevate schedule for 2024 and 2025.

While we are a global community of over 50 countries, we are based in the United Kingdom.

Every month, the webinars run at 8am and 3pm UK time.

Please note the clocks change in the UK for summer for the months April through October and for winter for the months November through March. Please use this link for the international clock, in order to get the correct time for your time zone.

We do make this easy for you. When you register every month, there is a calendar invite in the email. Please use this to ensure the correct time goes into your calendar.

Please also check your calendar is set to your correct your local time (we know this sounds crazy, but you wouldn’t believe how often it isn’t)



What does it take to ‘master’ a particular skill? How much of a part do things like ‘natural’ talent, style preferences and genetics play?

And how long does it take? Is it weeks, months, or 10,000 hours?  

There are lots of differing opinions and confusing views out there. That’s why we break it down into two simple steps: the first is to be aware of and fully understand the skill and the second is to implement it.

Thursday January 25th
Mastering Visibility
Wednesday February 21st
Mastering Performance
Thursday March 21st

Mastering Communication
Wednesday April 17th
Mastering Confidence


Have you ever done something which worked out pretty well and then repeated it but with a very different outcome? What happened? How did it go wrong? A lot of the time it is because a small but important step was missed.

There is an extraordinary power produced when things are broken down into their smallest parts, their simplest steps. By knowing this and then taking each of these small steps, one at a time, the result is always explosive!

Thursday May 23rd
Atomic Value
Tuesday June 18th

Atomic Time
Wednesday July 17th

Atomic Energy
Thursday August 29th

Atomic Leadership

'Raising your…'

A lot of what we’re already doing will be the right strategies and tactics and so things will be going pretty well. In a competitive business environment though, it is never wise to rest on your laurels.

As they say in Hollywood, you are only as good as your last film! That is why keeping the momentum going, honing your skills and being ‘raising’ obsessed is key to make sure you are continuously upping your ‘game’, your growth and your progress. 

Tuesday September 24th
Raising your Profile
Wednesday October 23rd
Raising your Courage
Thursday November 21st
Raising your Influence
Tuesday December 10th

Raising your Leadership


‘The New Rules of…’

In today’s fast-paced world, change seems to be the only constant. The long-standing rules and patterns dictating the business landscape are transforming.

This shift offers a promising prospect: the old rulebook is fading away, giving rise to a fresh approach to work. 

So, how do you navigate this evolving landscape and ensure that your strategies are up to date in the face of new demands? Even more crucially, how can you position yourself to play a leading role in shaping the future direction?

Thursday January 23rd
The New Rules of Collaboration
Tuesday February 25th

The New Rules of Sponsorship
Wednesday March 26th

The New Rules of Communication
Thursday April 24th

The New Rules of Leadership


There is one characteristic that separates individuals who excel from those who truly thrive: dynamism.

Dynamism equips us with the mindset and skills necessary to flourish amidst uncertainty and complexity. It enables us to question conventional norms and persist in the face of challenges.

Moreover, dynamic individuals actively seek personal and collective advancement. By nurturing dynamism within ourselves and others, we can confidently navigate uncertainties and construct a resilient future.

May: date TBC
Dynamic Conversations
June: date TBC

Dynamic Trust
July: date TBC

Dynamic Impact
August: date TBC

Dynamic Leadership

‘The Gift of…’

Every day we are given opportunities for both professional and personal growth that lead us closer to our goals and potential.

This involves a two-part strategy. Firstly, we need to focus on supporting others effectively, ensuring our contributions are valued.  At the same time, we must prioritise our own needs and aspirations.

By identifying and seizing these opportunities, we can leverage our strengths to propel ourselves forward, achieving, in turn, results that hold deeper significance.

September: date TBC
The Gift of Imperfection
October: date TBC

The Gift of Change
November: date TBC

The Gift of Ownership
December: date TBC

The Gift of Leadership

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